Integrated Tools on eRead
We know how hard it is to keep track of all your notes, applications, and papers when building a story. At eRead, we provide you with the tools you’re already familiar with so that everything stays in one place and is easily accessible. Below is a summary of some of our tools we have available at eRead and how they can help you.
Create notes that you can easily access anytime. Whether you want to create notes specific to your chapter or your entire story, you can quickly reference them without ever having to switch back from writing and viewing your notes.
Manage your characters, events, or any object easily by creating them on our Objects tool. Add quick reference information to any object to remind you of it's purpose. Each object is automatically tracked and lets you know how many times that object was referenced in your story, which chapter it was referenced, and more.
Auto Save
Forget to save your story or accidently went back to a different webpage? No worries, eRead automatically saves your work every few seconds so that you don't have to lose your hard made work.
Already wrote your story on Microsoft Word? No problem, you can easily import your story from Word into our text edtior. eRead will also retain your formatting from Word so you don't have to do any editing post-import.
There's many more features we have available at eRead to help make your writing seem more fluid, efficient, and professional. More tools will be coming in the future as well such as timelines and snowflake, stay tuned!
Ready to try writing on our platform? Click here to get started!